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I was in a dark place when I started working with Han. I was running out of hope, and though I’d spent years seeing numerous eating disorder clinicians and therapists, it never felt like they truly understood. But Han did. 


From our very first session I knew I could trust her, and this allowed me to be completely open about what was going on in my head. I never felt judged or patronised and Han’s advice, delivered in a firm but kind manner, left me feeling empowered as well as challenged. It often felt like she understood me better than I did myself!


Han was always adamant that I would make a full recovery, and her faith in me never wavered. She had my back even on the worst days, and continuously guided me in the right direction whenever I started to wander off track. Han didn’t recover for me, but she made me believe that I could do it. I’ll never be able to thank her enough for helping me to get my life back.

M.R, U.K

Orange Flower

My time working with Han has been life-changing. Han has always held the

hope for me when I wasn’t able to hold it for myself. Despite the various

challenges I have had with different comorbidities alongside my eating disorder recovery,

Han has stayed diligent, reliable and supportive, remaining consistent throughout any

slip-ups or harder times I’ve experienced.

Han would always start our meetings with the question ‘what are the things that

have been going well?’ and this always made me acknowledge what I had achieved,

rather than me just focusing on the bad.


Han has a subjective and personalised approach to her coaching, understanding you

and your struggles. She accommodates for other things that are going on in your life

which has helped me massively. I have been told by multiple health professionals that I

would have to deal with the illness forever and I would always battle with disordered

thoughts but I am learning more and more every day that this isn't true and it’s not destined

to be this way forever. I am feeling closer to full recovery than ever before. Han has been

amazing to work with and is so kind and compassionate and I can’t thank her enough for the

hope she has given me moving forward.

E.F, U.K


Engaging with Han was truly what kick-started my real recovery and allowed me to gain the food freedom I never thought would be possible. Her approach is so constructive which is exactly what I needed to combat my eating disorder. She really helped me see how straight-forward challenging the eating disorder can really be and that sometimes it can make things seem much more complicated than they really are. Han is a truly lovely person and during sessions is so warm and understanding since she has been there herself. She personalises everything towards you and what you need in your recovery, which made it so much more motivating for me. I felt like I finally got a grip on my recovery and what I wanted to achieve, as Han would help me know the fear is okay to feel but we must do it anyway. The hypnotherapy sessions were one of my favourite parts about working with Han. They were very calming and touching, the fact that they are customised to feature your name makes them all the more effective. Now, I am fully recovered and through Han’s help I have rewired all rules and behaviours associated with the eating disorder and gotten to the point where I have no eating disorder thoughts, which I will be forever grateful to Han for.

N.A, U.K

Hand Holding Branch

Meeting Han has singlehandedly changed the course of my recovery. Not only are her sessions are wonderful, but is always easy to talk to her and open up. She is such a warm-hearted and kind person whom you feel understands every struggle or thought, as she has been there herself. Hypnotherapy had never been something I had considered to help with my recovery, but it turned out to be one of the most useful tools I've tried. I truly feel as if it really jump-started crucial changes in my thinking, especially towards trusting the process. I found it particularly effective because of how each recording was written specifically for me and in relation to my specific concerns. The most impactful thing about working with Han is her wonderful constant reminders that full recovery is possible, and only possible through sticking to recovery. The accessibility she offers (being able to send an email about any doubts) is truly such a help, especially when recovering with limited external help. Receiving a kind, intelligent reply full of excellent advice and reassurance is lovely and kept me going.

I do not think I would have reached this point of recovery without her guidance and support. I feel closer to full recovery than I ever have in my life :)

-S.O, Australia


"I have worked with countless therapists, psychologists, clinicians, and coaches over my 10+ year struggle with anorexia, but never have I found someone who offers the deep level of insight, understanding, scientific knowledge and empathy alongside the practical support that Han provides. Speaking to Han feels like speaking with a lifelong friend - I feel like she really 'gets it' and 'gets me', and not only does she help me articulate and understand my experiences, but she also knows exactly what to say or advise in order to help me move forward. Han has given me the reassurance that my experiences and feelings are valid, the hope that freedom is possible, and the guidance and encouragement I need to find it. Through working with Han, I finally feel like I can and I will recover."

-P.M, U.K

Aloe Vera Plant

Han saved me. Need I say anymore? She noticed the pain in my face during our first meeting - something I easily hide from most. The complete understanding she has is more than any “professional” has ever given me and she provides compassion, without judgement, as you talk through things you couldn’t bare to admit out loud to anyone else. Han understands the true manipulation and torture a restrictive eating disorder causes, which means she always has an answer and approach to shoot them down before it’s even arisen. Working with Han is the best thing I’ve ever done for my recovery or even my life. As I continue to work with Han I truly believe full complete recovery is in my future, something I was told to be impossible by a “professional”, I can’t wait to prove them wrong. 

-B.J, U.K


Stumbling on Han's work was the best thing that could happen to me. Words can not describe how much I owe to her. She became the most supportive person on my recovery journey and I’ve never felt so understood and encouraged before. She still continues to motivate me so much in my everyday life and with her help I was able to make more progress in a few weeks than I did in many years. I’ve never tried hypnotherapy before but I was more than willing to give it a try and it turned out to be the best approach for me to finally make much needed changes.

-J.S, Germany


"I would recommend Han to anybody. She has a wonderful way of talking plainly and candidly, but in a manner that feels very supportive. Han is the first person who I have felt who really 'gets it' and has a positive practical response. She helps me in a professional yet incredibly compassionate way".

-E.T, U.K


"In the 5 sessions that I have had with Han, she has made me feel completely safe, relaxed and hopeful. I am able to speak honestly and openly with her, and really feel as though she truly listens and understands.

I was very nervous to try hypnotherapy, because it's not a 'traditional' treatment option, but I feel more improvement in 5 weeks than I have had in 5 years on behavioral therapy. I love how it is tailored to me and the particular things I'm having a tough time with".

-I.C, U.K

Aloe Vera Plant

Han made me feel very settled from the very beginning of our first session.

Honestly, as soon as began talking to her, all of my worries about English not being my first language and about talking to a stranger dissolved. I’ve really felt deeply understood.

Although I wasn't sure about what to expect from the hypnotherapy, it turns out my language difference only enhances the work. Hypnotherapy with Han has been an amazing tool to use when I’m stressed out and it’s been a pleasure to go through the process. 

-L.B, France

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