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(with optional hypnotherapy)

Nobody can recover for you. However, my promise IS to provide the support, guidance and resources that you need in order to achieve full recovery for yourself. As a qualified helping hand, I hold you accountable for unrestricted eating to enable you to fully nutritionally rehabilitate, whilst also developing tools for neural rewiring. As an accredited clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, my work uses combination of techniques to change beliefs at an unconscious level. This means that your behaviours and thoughts can shift. 

In contrast to traditional recovery pathways, coaching relies on self driven action towards goals that have been mutually agreed upon. It is about turning contemplation into action with compassionate and resourceful support. It is essential to note that coaching is not a licensed therapy to treat or diagnose mental illnesses. A coach is not a therapist, and thus cannot offer or replicate medical interventions.

Recover-ED Support is:

Tiny Green Plants

Entirely tailored
to you

Flower Arrangement

Driven by continued advancement in knowledge and practice via professional supervision

Dynamic and adaptable to your life circumstances 

Private Coaching Sessions

60 minute 1:1 Recovery Coaching (via video call)



>Out of session support and accountability via email.

> Personalised hypnotherapy recordings sent via appropriate medium for you to listen to in your spare time. 

> NLP interventions if appropriate.

> Step by step recovery approach with weekly goals, assignments and guidance.

Areas covered: 

How to make your recovery work regardless of your situation

Fear food challenging

Overcoming fear of eating

Managing weight gain anxiety

Addressing triggers

Nutritional rehabilitation and weight restoration

Exercise and compulsive movement

Practices to eliminate eating disorder behaviours

Other practical areas of support include:

Food and grocery shopping

Eating at restaurants, cafes etc

Cooking meals

Clothes shopping

Indoor Bonsai Tree


Q: "Are sessions virtual or in person?”
A: Sessions are held online via Facetime or Whatsapp video call. 

Q: "How frequently do we meet?”

A: I welcome a discussion of session frequency in an initial consultation as this will hugely vary from person to person and be dependent on stage of recovery. Generally, I recommend once per week to begin with.   

Q: "How much is coaching?"
A: From 2024, I charge £60 per session. This includes one 60-minute session per week, between-session accountability support access via email, WhatsApp or IMessage. Any hypnotherapy work incorporated into our work is also included within the session cost.

20-minute initial consultations are free of charge and come with no obligation to proceed with coaching. However, I request that enquires are only made if there is a genuine interest in proceeding with working together.

Q: "Are one-off sessions possible?"
A: Yes! The difference between a one-off session as opposed to a long-term coaching partnership is that the in-between sessions support does not apply when a stand alone session is opted for. If a one-off session is your preference, please do outline this when getting in touch via a form.


Q: "Do you work with only UK based clients?"

A: No! I work with clients all over the world, from NZ to Honk Kong to Mexico. Reasonable session time for both time zones can be easily arranged.

Q: "What would mean I couldn't work with you?"
A: Unless parental consent is explicitly provided, I do not work with under 18's. This is due to the individual drive and responsibility required within a coaching relationship, if it is to be successful.


I also do not work with those who are medically vulnerable OR those in ED treatment who do not have permission from their medical team to work with a coach.


Finally, I do not work with people who are not self-driven to put in work into their healing and do not consider themself 'in recovery'. This is because our work together is heavily reliant on you, as the client, doing the work that we discuss within sessions. We both have 'co-pilot' roles on your healing journey.

The reason I have these parameters set up for clients I can/cannot take on is coaching productivity and medical liability. I am committed to utilising all of the resources I have to support you, but can only work with clients for whom I deem coaching to be safe and for who I will feel will find my approach helpful.


In circumstances where I do not feel as though the Recover-ED approach is the correct avenue for you, I will try my best to suggest an alternative route for you to explore. If you aren't sure about your suitability for coaching, we can discuss this in a consultation. We will only proceed with signing the coach-client agreement document if we are certain of the safety of this avenue, as this will always be my priority.


If a consultation were to be arranged, I would prefer to be contacted on

Thanks for submitting!

The purpose of an initial consultation is for me to get an understanding of who you are and where you are at in your recovery journey.

It is also for you to learn more about the support I offer and to give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you have.

From here we can then decide if we feel that we could work well together.

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